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Silben- und akzentzählende Sprachen: Das Slowenische in typologischer Sichtweise

Pages 188 - 211


Syllable-timed and stress-timed languages: Slovene from a typological point of view – The paper deals in the first part with general properties of syllable- and stress-timed languages. In particular the focus is on the multiparametrical approach of a rhythm based typology proposed by Dauer 1987, which is as a substantial alternative to the previous simple dichotomous typology. In the second part several segmental and suprasegmental characteristics of Slovene (vowel inventory, vowel quantity, syllable structure, pitch accent, position and function of the accent, consonants etc.) are discussed in detail. Finally it can be shown that based on the above mentioned characteristics Slovene has to be considered as a language.


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