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Representations of the archetype of the fatal woman in The Idiot by Dostoevsky and The Most Beloved of Earthlings by Marin Preda: Nastasya Filippovna and Matilda

Seiten 43 - 61

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/wienslavjahr.1.2013.0043

This article, Representations of the archetype of the fatal woman in The Idiot by Dostoevsky and The Most Beloved of Earthlings by Marin Preda: Nastasya Filippovna and Matilda, aims at highlighting the archetype of the fatal woman, an anthropological invariant of Dostoevsky's work and Marin Preda's, the Romanian post-war writer. The corpus of the research is limited to The Idiot and Preda's last novel, The Most Beloved of Earthlings.* The first part of the study focuses on the notions of personal unconscious – collective unconscious, analysed by Jung in his works so as to reach the relation between archetype, anima and the image of the fatal woman. Most of the study is devoted to the way in which the archetype of the fatal woman is represented in the novels of the two writers in discussion by means of its two possible “embodiments”: Nastasya Filippovna and Matilda.


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