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Der morphologische Ausdruck des Präteritums im Sprachkontakt: Der Fall des Lemkischen und Kaschubischen

Seiten 99 - 128

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/wienslavjahr.1.2013.0099

The morphological realization of preterite verb forms in contact situations of genetically related Slavonic languages: The case of Lemko and Kashubian. – The grammars of the Lemko language as well as of Kashubian reveal several different strategies of constructing past tense forms of verbs. Synthetic verb inflection co-occurs with analytical patterns. At least partially this formal diversity (and variation) is caused and maintained by language contact with Polish, but also by other, older language contact situations. In this study the distribution of the different past tense forms is examined on the basis of text corpora of Lemko and Kashubian casual speech. Polish and other foreign influences on the usage of past tense forms will be quantified in the speech of informants, who do not attend strictly to purifying norms. This allows us to evaluate, first, the impact of the given language contact situation on the speakers’ linguistic output, and, second, the effect of normative activities on these minority languages.


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