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Der faktographische Literaturunterricht an tschechischen Schulen und seine Kritik (1820–2011)

Pages 129 - 142


The article „The factographical teaching of literature at Czech schools and its criticism (1820–2011)‟ discusses theories about the teaching of Czech literature from the 19th century to the present day. The authors suggest that the so-called „factographical‟ type of literature teaching, which mainly focussed on facts from literary history, was repeatedly criticized in the studies of the teaching of literature. The orists kept emphasizing the benefits of a type of literature teaching that was based on the principles of independent reading, learner-centred analysis, and assignments that involved creative approaches. This discrepancy between a factographical type of literature teaching as it existed in the experience of many teachers and learners, and an ideal type of literature teaching advanced by many critics persisted in various forms of government and in various political regimes (the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the First Republic, the socialist regime, the post-socialist period).



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