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Ein Corpus delicti: Die Urteilsschrift gegen Dr. Karl Kramář (Wien, 8. Juni 1916)

Seiten 251 - 261

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/wienslavjahr.3.2015.0251

“A corpus delicti: The decision passed by the Viennese Military Tribunal on June 8, 1916 against Dr. Karel Kramář” — Karel Kramář, a leading Czech politician and member of the Austrian Reichsrat was tried for high treason and sentenced to death on the basis of shaky evidence. His engagement for the Czech national interests and Russophile position in the pre-WWI period was regarded as the main cause for the questionable loyalty of Czech soldiers and missing enthusiasm of the citizens of the Bohemian lands when asked for financial engagements (“war loan”) during WWI. The court-martial decision of more than 600 pages in small print is being analyzed in the following paper and it is regarded as a corpus delicti. This document mirrors the general negative attitude towards the cultural and political emancipation of the Slavic nations within the Habsburg monarchy and towards Russia.


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