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From the Correspondence of Roman Jakobson and Father Georges Florovsky

Seiten 145 - 154

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/wienslavjahr.4.2016.0145

In 1954, the renowned linguist Roman Jakobson wrote to his fellow émigré, the eminent Orthodox priest Father Georges Florovsky, about a personal matter: the dissolution of a long-term romantic relationship with his former graduate student, Justinia Besharova. Besharova would eventually end the relationship to marry the linguist David Djaparidze. The letters illuminate a difficult period in Jakobson's life as much as they demonstrate the previously unknown closeness of the two émigrés.

Princeton NJ

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6 Jakobson - Pomorska 1983: Roman Jakobson and Krystyna Pomorska, Dialogues. Cambridge MA.

7 Matzen 1980: Joanne Matzen, Djaparidze Contributes Russian Language and Culture to Trinity, The Trinity Tripod 79, issue 5, 5; 13.

8 Semeka-Pankratov 1995: Elena Semeka-Pankratov (ed.), Studies in Poetics: Commemorative Volume Krystyna Pomorska (1928–1986). Columbus OH.

9 Trubetzkoy 2004: Письма и заметки Н. С. Трубецкого. Москва.


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