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“Moscow has ears everywhere!”: From Pasternak's Death to Olga's and Irina's Arrests

Seiten 35 - 121

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/wienslavjahr.6.2018.0035

Using hitherto unpublished archival correspondence, the article reconstructs some crucial events that took place in 1960 and ended with the arrests, in August 1960, of Olga Ivinskaya, Pasternak's companion and literary assistant, and of her daughter, Irina Emelianova, in September of the same year. Many of these events rotate around a document that came to be known as “Pasternak's will”, in reality a power of attorney, that Pasternak had signed on April 15, 1960 on behalf of Olga Ivinskaya. The document was entrusted to Giuseppe Garritano and his wife for safe delivery to Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Pasternak's publisher in Italy, but disappeared in mysterious circumstances in June 1960. The reconstruction shows, among other things, how Olga Ivinskaya tried to restore the document using a blank sheet of paper with Pasternak's signature on it and that the original had been intercepted by the KGB.

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