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The Battlefield of Translation: Joseph Brodsky and Daniel Weissbort

Pages 122 - 142


Following Joseph Brodsky's expulsion from the USSR and his settling down in the USA, translation of his poetry into English became a matter of Brodsky's professional career. Brodsky meticulously revised English translations of his work done by others in order to preserve the original form and meter of his poems – an unheard of move for a non-native speaker. By looking in detail at the changes he made to a translation into English from his cycle “A Part of Speech” completed by a British poet and translator Daniel Weissbort the present article examines one episode of Brodsky's intervention. The heated correspondence between the two over those changes became a forum where Brodsky expounded his theory of formal translation. On his part Weissbort had misgivings about the manner in which his own attempts were subsumed by Brodsky's (self-) translations. A detailed analysis of the poem “The North Buckles Metal,” initially translated by Weissbort and subsequently revised by Brodsky, probes these theoretical pronouncements discussing the multiple layers of meaning mobilized by the poem, and the manner in which Brodsky's translation maintains these in the English through strong rhymes and frequent assonance and alliteration.


1 Auden 1973: Wystan Hugh Auden, Foreword. In: Joseph Brodsky, Selected Poems. Trans. by George L. Kline. London, 9–12.

2 Auden 1977: Wystan Hugh Auden, In Memory of W. B. Yeats. In: Edward Mendelson (ed.), The English Auden: poems, essays and dramatic writings, 1927–1939. London, 241–243.

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4 Birkerts 1982: Sven Birkerts, The Art of Poetry XXVIII: Joseph Brodsky: Interview, Paris Review № 28, Spring, 82–126.

5 Brecht 1966: Bertolt Brecht, Galileo. English version by Charles Laughton. New York.

6 Brik 1964: Osip Maksimovič Brik, Two Essays on Poetic Language. Ann Arbor (Michigan Slavic Materials, 5).

7 Brodsky 1973: Joseph Brodsky, Translating Akhmatova, The New York Review of Books, Vol. 20, Number 13, August 9 (

8 Brodsky 1974: Joseph Brodsky, Beyond Consolation (review), transl. by Barry Rubin, The New York Review of Books, 21:1, February 7 (

9 Brodsky 1996a: Joseph Brodsky, To Please a Shadow. In: Joseph Brodsky, Less than one. Essays. New York, 357–383.

10 Brodsky 1996b: Joseph Brodsky, Uncommon Visage. In: Joseph Brodsky, On Grief And Reason. Essays. New York, 44–63.

11 Brodsky 2002: Joseph Brodsky, Conversations. Ed. by Cynthia L. Haven. Jackson.

12 Buch 1996: Hans Christoph Buch, Nachmittag eines Nobelpreisträgers: Begegnung mit Joseph Brodsky. In: Hans Christoph Buch, Übung mit Meistern: Begegnungen und Gespräche. Berlin, 87–94.

13 Erofeev 2007: Venidikt Erofeev, Moskva-Petushki: poema. Moskva.

14 Grier 2015: Philip T. Grier, George L. Kline, 1921–2014, Slavic Review, Vol. 74/1, 233–235.

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16 Moranjak-Bamburac 1996: Nirman Moranjak-Bamburac, Iosif Brodskij i akmeizm, Russian Literature, Vol. XL, 57–76.

17 Nabokov 1991: Vladimir Nabokov, The Annotated Lolita. Ed. Alfred Appel, Jr. New York.

18 Scherr 1999: Barry P. Scherr, “To Urania”. In: Lev Loseff and Valentina Polukhina (eds.), Joseph Brodsky: The Art of a Poem. New York, 89–115.

19 Sontag 1998: Susan Sontag, Afterword. In: Mikhail Lemkhin (ed.), Joseph Brodsky, Leningrad: Fragments. New York, 201–204.

20 Sontag 2001: Susan Sontag, Joseph Brodsky. In: Susan Sontag, Where the Stress Falls. Essays. New York, 330–333.

21 Venclova 2005: Tomas Venclova, Brodskij o Mandel'shtame. In Tomas Venclova, Stat'i o Brodskom. Moskva.

22 Vigdorova 1964: Frida Vigdorova, The trial of a young poet: the case of Josef Brodsky, Encounter, Vol. 23, September, 84–91 (

23 Walcott 1988: Derek Walcott, Magic Industry: a review of To Urania by Joseph Brodsky, The New York Review of Books, 35:18, November 24, 2–12.

24 Weissbort 2004: Daniel Weissbort, From Russian with Love: Joseph Brodsky in English. London.

25 Wilbur 2005: Richard Wilbur, Translating Joseph Brodsky's “Six Years Later” (

26 Žirmunskij 1966: Viktor M. Žirmunskij, Introduction to Metrics. The Theory of Verse. Transl. by Clarence F. Brown. The Hague (Slavic Printings and Reprintings, 58).


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