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Православное искусство как массовый товар на территории Третьего Рейха и оккупированных территориях во время Второй мировой войны

Юлия Янчаркова (Гаген Сергей)

Seiten 256 - 279

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/wienslavjahr.7.2019.0256

The present article Orthodox Icons as Mass Consumer Goods in the Area of
The Third Reich and its Occupied Territories during WWII (based on archives
of the Nikodim Pavlovič Kondakov Archeological Institute in Prague)

is devoted to the trading activity of the Institute in Prague, the manufacturing
and sale of colour reproductions of old Russian icons. This is the first time
this topic has been approached within a cultural-historical paradigm that
includes evidence in the form of financial documents from the Kondakov
Institute. The article also discusses the Institute's relationship to the
Orthodox population at the time of the so called “Protectorate” including
immigrant workers from the East in the territory of the Third Reich itself. The
discussion is placed in the context of the attempt to constitute a new identity
for the “Orthodox citizens of the Reich.”

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