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Kontaktinduzierte lexikalische Variation im gesprochenen Lemko-Russinischen

Jan Patrick Zeller

Seiten 28 - 48

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/wienslavjahr.7.2019.0028

“Contact-induced lexical variation in spoken Lemko-Rusyn”. – The Lemko-Rusyn language in Poland is an East Slavic language that is in intensive contact with the West Slavic language Polish. This contact has left traces in the lexicon of Lemkian. For 70 lexical variables, the study examines the variation of ‘Lemkian’ and ‘Polish’ variants in a corpus of spoken Lemkian. It turns out that there is an overall trend towards ‘Polish’ variants among younger speakers, but some variables also remain stable ‘Lemkian’ or even follow the opposite trend.


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