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Antonin Josef Trčka alias ANTIOS als ein Vermittler Otokar Březinas in Österreich

Anne Hultsch

Seiten 151 - 184

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/wienslavjahr.8.2020.0151

Antonin Josef Trčka alias ANTIOS as mediator of Otokar Březina in Austria. – The main part of the article is dedicated to Viennese visual artist of Moravian origin, photographer, poet, translator from Czech, mediator of Otokar Březina, and anthroposophist Antonin Josef Trčka (ANTIOS) and his relationship with Březina as well as people from his immediate vicinity. At the beginning, the question of authorship of the published German translation of Březina's essay Mirroring in the Depth is clarified. The remaining parts deal with Trčka's personal relations with Czech authors, with his translations of poems and essays by Březina, as well as with his adaptations of Czech and Slovak folk songs.


1 DST: Sammlung Josef Trčka, Typoskript (Kopie), Handschriftensammlung, Dokumentationsstelle für neuere österreichische Literatur (Wien).

2 LA PNP Březina: Literární archiv Památníku národního písemnictví (Prag), Fond Březina.

3 LA PNP Deml: Literární archiv Památníku národního písemnictví (Prag), Fond Deml.


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