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«Я уже потусторонний зритель, далекий…». И. Е. Репин, Н. П. Кондаков и Чехословакия

Юлия Янчаркова (Yulia Yancharkova)

Seiten 195 - 202

The article „I am already a distant spectator, a spectator from the world beyond“ ... Ilya E. Repin, Nikodim P. Kondakov and Czechoslovakia” deals with the last letter written by Ilya Repin to his old friend Nikodim Kondakov, who was in Prague. The letter was written before Christmas in 1924 as a response to a letter from Kondakov. Repin mentions one of Kondakov’s photographs that was published in the Berlin magazine „Nash mir“ (“Our World”) and later issued as a propaganda postcard by a Macedonian student association in Vienna. The short letter contains a wealth of references to events and circumstances in the lives of both artists.

This article is written in Russian.


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