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Из комментариев к книге стихотворений и переводов Эллиса «Крест и Лира» III–VI

Федор Федор Поляков (Fedor Poliakov)

Seiten 203 - 233

This is a continuation of the series of research publications under the general title “А Commentary to Ellis’ Book of Poems and Translations The Cross and the Lyre,” which is devoted to the study of the unpublished book of poems by the poet-Symbolist Ellis (Lev Kobylinskii, 1879–1947). The present contribution consists of four sections: “III. The Death of the Templar: The transformation of Caesarius von Heisterbach’s legend about the Knight Albert Scothart”; “IV. The Last Mass: The source of the legend about Count Simon de Montfort” (commander of the campaign against the Albigensians); “V. The Charms of Dobrfeld: A Danish ballad about twelve heroes from the collection of folksongs of Johann Gottfried Herder”; “VI. The poet’s apotheosis: some reminiscences from Wieland’s Oberon”. In the essay the mechanisms of adaptation of medieval tales and legends is examined in connection with Ellis’ poetry.

This article is written in Russian.


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