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Das Kroatische während des Ustaša-Regimes (1941–1945) – ein Forschungsproblem. Zur Erforschung der Sprache der fiktionalen Prosa am Beispiel des Romans „Giga Barićeva“

Elias Moncef Bounatirou

Seiten 137 - 162

The Croatian language during the Ustaša regime (1941–1945): a research problem. Exploring the language of Croatian fictional prose and the case of the novel “Giga Barićeva”. – The article discusses the problematic state of research on the history of the Croatian language during the Ustaša regime (1941–1945) and particularly on the language of fictional prose of that time. The analysis focuses on a literary work that underwent massive censorship under the Ustaše, the novel “Giga Barićeva” by Milan Begović. A closer look at the case of this novel reveals the extent to which the study of the fate of the Croatian language during the Ustaša period still represents a scholarly desideratum. Thus, the modern authoritative edition of “Giga Barićeva” shows an insufficiently critical approach to the history of the text and an insufficient consideration of existing research. As a result, the authoritative edition of “Giga Barićeva” is based on a text version whose language and content were heavily modified against the author’s will according to the Ustaša’s policies.

This article is written in German.


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