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Hæc sunt Roma: «Воспоминания» и «Рим» Баратынского как фрагменты «римского текста» европейской поэзии article

Игорь Пильщиков (Igor Pilshchikov)

Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. Neue Folge, Jahrgang 10 (2022), Ausgabe 1, Seite 44 - 70

The article presents addenda to a literary and linguistic commentary on the Greco-Roman fragments of Evgeny Baratynsky’s juvenile descriptive poem “Recollections” (1819) and his more famous elegy, “Rome” (1821). The focus is on the Russian and European intertext to which these poems belong. Both “Recollections”, in which Baratynsky combined passages translated from Gabriel Legouvé, Jacques Delille, Charles-Julien de Chênedollé and a few other sources, and “Rome” are intimately linked to the French late neoclassical and preromantic poetic tradition. Characteristically, Baratynsky’s poems contain numerous French literary clichés that he rhymes and/or semantically correlates with Church Slavonicisms. In Russian poetry these phrases remained hapax legomena and thus contributed to Baratynsky’s reputation as the most original poet of the “Pushkin Pleiad”. This mode of cultural appropriation, making the unique out of the stereotypical and turning the universal or the foreign into the local and the domestic, is characteristic of Baratynsky’s poetics. At the same time, we envisage the process of universalization of the individual text, its infusion into the cultural (hyper)text–in the present case, “the text of Rome”. From this point of view, the “urban text” transcends all generic, linguistic, and national cultural limitations: multilingual texts on a similar topic function as variants or fragments of a single hypertext.

This article is written in Russian.

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Issue 1 / 2023