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Из Именного указателя к «Записным книжкам» Ахматовой: недопоименованные

Роман Тименчик

Seiten 257 - 269

Boris Pasternak. Unknown letter and telegram to Sergei Radlov (Failed col-laboration). The published letter of the poet allows us to clarify the circumstances of his trip to Leningrad in November 1931. From the letter new information becomes known about the conclusion by Pasternak of an agreement for the translation of R. Wagner’s libretto „The Rhine Gold“.

This article is written in Russian.

Keywords: Boris Pasternak, Sergei Radlov, Anna Radlova, Richard Wagner, Veni¬amin Buchstein, Mikhail Kuzmin, Sergei Spassky, Sofia Spasskaya-Kaplun, Irakly Andronikov, Yury Tynyanov, Adrian Piotrovsky, Pasternak’s biography, History of Culture


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