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Monate, Feste und Wochenenden: Bezeichnungen von Zeitabschnitten in tschechischen Handschriften des 18.–19. Jahrhunderts in Pennsylvania und Preußen

Aleksej Tikhonov

Seiten 35 - 57

After the lost Battle of White Mountain (1620), many Protestants from Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia went into exile to Saxony, Prussia, and North America. In exile, one such community was and is the Moravian Church (= Brüdergemeine). The refugees left behind Czech manuscripts, mainly from the 18th century. These texts originate from a language contact situation with German, English, and Latin. One of the succinct results of this language contact can be observed on the lexical level, specifically in terms of periods of time, such as names of months, holidays, and weekends.

This article is written in German.

Keywords: Czech-German language contact, Czech-English language contact, Czech-Latin language contact, Czech minority, loanwords, Moravian Church


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