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Russischer Emigrant - tschechischer Schriftsteller? Sprache und Identität in autobiografischen Zeugnissen Sergej Machonins und Nikolaj Terleckýs

Carmen Sippl

Pages 120 - 135


The article “Russian emigrant - Czech writer?” explores the autobiographies of Sergej Machonin (1918-1995) and Nikolaj Terlecký (1903-1994) with regard to self-reflections about language and identity. Using François Jullien's concept of distance as a fruitful tension between cultures instead of defining cultural differences, it identifies Machonin's and Terlecký's experiences with language shift. The paper discusses how their autobiographical writings reflect plurilingualism as a fertile resource and how they disclose the gap as a space in-between that enables cultural transformation.


1 Drahoslava Janderová-Machoninová, Briefe und Kopien an Carmen Sippl (Prag, 26. Mai 2001, 19. Juni 2001).

2 Milan Jungmann, Brief an Carmen Sippl (Prag, 30. Juli 2001).

3 Korrespondenz Ota Filip – Sergej Machonin, 1988–1994 (Handschriftenabteilung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München).


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