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Неизвестная статья Константина Мочульского / Алексея Ремизова (мотивация сокрытия имени как ключ к атрибуции текстов)

Елена Елена Обатнина (Elena Obatnina)

Pages 179 - 194

The essay “An Unknown Article of Konstantin Mоchulsky / Aleksei Remizov: The Motivation for Hiding a Name as a Key in Attributing Authorship to Texts” is devoted to the problem of the attribution of anonymous texts of Aleksei Remizov and their classification in the section “Dubia” in creating bibliographies and describing published sources in an academic collected works edition. Using examples of the writer’s anonymous works in the émigré press, the article considers the motives for hiding a name, considering the biographical elements key in attributing texts that are published unsigned. In particular the author examines an extraordinary case where Remizov’s name was replaced by that of Konstantin Mochulsky.

This article is written in Russian.


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