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Das Summen des Käfers: Belebte Natur bei Michail Prišvin als Übersetzungsproblem (Aus der Korrespondenz mit Alexander Eliasberg)

Carmen Sippl

Pages 156 - 173


“The Beetle’s Buzzing. Animated Nature in Works of M. M. Prishvin as a challenge for translation (From the correspondence with Alexander Eliasberg)” retraces the genesis of the first translation of Mikhail Prishvin’s early travel sketches into German. Two years before the outbreak of World War I the Russian nature writer and his translator Alexander Eliasberg became acquainted via mutual friends like Aleksei Remizov, Valery Briusov or Dmitry Merezhkovsky. Their correspondence bears witness to the challenge Prishvin’s experiences in offside Russian nature, as expressed in his atmospheric descriptions, his use of metaphors from myth and fairytale as well as anthropomorphizations, meant to the translator. Eliasberg’s compilation (published 1914/17 in Munich) covers sketches from Prishvin’s travels to the Kyrgyz steppe, the far North, and to the Old Believers in Central Russia’s deep forests.


1 Michail Prišvin an Alexander Eliasberg (Korrespondenz 1912–1914) // Fonds Alexander Eliasberg, 162/48, Památník národního písemnictví, Literární archív, Prag.

2 Michail Prišvin an Alexander Eliasberg (Brief, o. D. [ca. 1914]) // Ms Coll Zaretskii, Bakhmeteff Archive, Columbia University, New York.

3 Lazarev 1962: В. А. Лазарев, Из истории литературных отношений первой четверти двадцатого столетия (Публикация архивного материала), Ученые записки Московского областного педагогического института им. Н. К. Крупской, CXVI, 91–187.

4 Obatnina 1995: Письма М. М. Пришвина к А. М. Ремизову. Вступительная статья, подготовка текста и премечания Е. Р. Обатниной, Русская литература, № 3, 157–209.


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